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Thinking ahead a year in advance, to make sure that Detroit receives as much funding support as possible, our very own Big Sean did not hesitate to invite Mayor Mike Duggan to the Boys & Girls Club of Southeastern Michigan, to begin talking about the 2020 census.

​“That’s how we get the things that we want in our communities and that’s how we let the government know, and the people who are in control of the money, that we’re here,” Big Sean said.

​On Friday, March 29, Mayor Mike Duggan took Big Sean up on an offer to speak to a packed room of young students and local leaders, advocating on behalf of both community service and the importance of participating in the 2020 census; moreover, many are probably unaware that during the last census, in 2010, Detroit was one of the worst in completing the census forms.

​“What’s on the line is millions and millions of dollars in Headstart money and road money and health care money and Medicaid, that’s on the line,” Duggan said.

​Thank you to WDIV 4 for capturing this moment!